My Books


The manuscript for my mainstream/literary novel is complete! I am currently in the process of seeking literary agency and publishing. This is a work of adult fiction unlike anything on the bookshelves. I know…you’ve heard it before. If you are an agent or a publisher, just ask to see all or part of it, and I believe you will agree.  Please stay tuned!

In my free time (that’s a joke…there is no free time when one is querying!) I am working on a thriller.



What does it really mean to believe in a Higher Power? Even though the vast majority of people on the planet do, very few take the next step in understanding exactly what it means. In Overcoming Ordinary, you will be delighted to learn that belief in The Divine provides extraordinary benefits to every single aspect of your life, in ways you’ve never considered before.

Fortunately, these benefits can be realized by anyone, anywhere; no matter what your version of a Higher Power may be, or how ordinary you believe you are. This is a brand new way of looking at universal, ancient ideas that will leave you amazed at the power you already contain. This is a journey of discovering how and why everyone is capable of greatness. It is a spiritual journey like no other; a journey of truth that will lead you to an extraordinary life. If you like reading Tolle, Chopra, or Dyer, you will love Overcoming Ordinary.

NOTE: Overcoming Ordinary was finished in 2011, and is currently unpublished. Although I look forward to taking on the task of getting it published, my current objective is to focus on perfecting and publishing my finished novel.

Please contact me for further publishing information or inquiries.